5 Gallon Nano-Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Magnesium Restructured Water
Our restructured alkaline waters feature precious metals in nano-form enhanced with sacred spiritual and life extension technologies. You may have heard that water has memory. However, have you considered that memories can also be of the future? Our water is specifically designed to bring you into alignment with your spirit. Yes! There is a definite connection between water and spirit. Utilizing a proprietary process invented by our Chief Scientist Dr. Will Hawkins Jr. Our commercial water purifiers restructures water by organizing gold, silver, platinum, and magnesium nanoparticles (0.2 Nanometers) into sacred geometrical shapes inside of a silica shell. We then imprint our water with certain subtle/spiritual frequencies that enhance its quality manifold. Our Enhanced Zeta Potential is unmatched in the water purification industry. This translates to enhanced human performance. Mind, Body, and Spirit.