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NU Blue Hybrid

NU Blue Hybrid

NU Blue Hybrid
From $530.00

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Our NU Blue Hybrid is an Advanced Microbiological Purifier Water Filtration System for kitchen sink that is also perfect for light commercial uses. This is the first water filtration system of its kind, utilizing NASA-Based water filters with diatomaceous earth and nano silver, ultrafiltration media, an advanced RO membrane and our silver release purification chamber. (Water tanks and RO membranes are optional.) Government Document on Diatomaceous Earth in advanced water filtration 

  • Stage 1 utilizes a 3 layer advanced sediment filter that removes sediment down to one nanometer.  
  • Stage 2 utilizes the highly advanced coconut carbon block filter to reduce pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals etc.
  • Stage 3 relies on the latest innovation of our NASA-Based filtration media. This double-pleated NASA Filter has patented activated carbon and nano silver This polishing filter has been optimized to attract, capture and retain submicron particles including biological warfare weapons, cysts, DNA, RNA, lead, fluoride, bacteria and virus. This is the world's best water filter.
  • Stage 4 relies on the best in ultrafiltration membranes that removes bacteria, viruses, protozoa, arsenic, etc.
  • Stage 5 is our advanced ultrafiltration membrane with silver ion release technology. According to Rice University "it's silver ions that are most destructive to bacteria." Rice University Paper on Silver Ions Ability to Kill Bacteria 
  • (Optional) Stage 6 is our advanced RO Membrane that will filter up to 500 gallons of water per day.

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